How to make Easter eggs decoration

Easter eggs decoration ideas
This is not a crochet tutorial but a fun Easter egg decoration idea. You can use your smallest crochet hook to help you. I used crochet hook size 1.0 to pierce a hole in the eggs. You need to pierce 2 holes per egg, one each end as picture shows.
The next thing you must do is to blow the egg yolk out of the egg. If the yolk doesn’t come out you can make the holes a little bigger. Just make sure the egg remains intact.
The next thing to do is to paint the egg. We painted using Red acrylic paint, and we only painted a thin layer. When we were done we took the egg outside and continued using non-toxic spray paint. We used one white and one black. First we sprayed the white one and then we sprayed a few dots of black paint. Then we let it dry.
We continued the process twice more and then we had 3 cute Easter eggs as picture shows.
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