Bella, the Wannabe Bride Once upon a time in the vibrant world of Dollington, there lived a charming Barbie doll named Bella. Unlike the other dolls in Dollington, Bella had a dream that set her apart—she longed for the day she would walk down the aisle in a beautiful wedding gown, surrounded by the warmth […]
Doll Upcycle with Crochet Clothes
Check out the before and after repaint below. And check out the new hair! This repaint was a lot of fun. The hair was the best part of upcycling this doll. I named her Caroline. Check out my other Doll makeovers below.
Doll Upcycle ~ Inspiration overload
I made this doll upcycle from an old Anna doll I found in the op-shop. She is giving me cuteness overload. I love her so much. She is one of a kind and she gave me inspiration overload. I repainted her face using acrylic paint. Outfit made with 100% cotton. I decorated using tatting technique […]