Bella, the Wannabe Bride Once upon a time in the vibrant world of Dollington, there lived a charming Barbie doll named Bella. Unlike the other dolls in Dollington, Bella had a dream that set her apart—she longed for the day she would walk down the aisle in a beautiful wedding gown, surrounded by the warmth […]
Crochet Barbie Doll Dress
How to Crochet Barbie Dress ~ Free Crochet Pattern. This pattern uses the Tulip stitch. Materials: Scrap yarn used: Moda Dea Vixen 100 % Nylon Yellow yarn 100 % Acrylic Blue yarn in 100 % Acrylic White yarn in 100 % Acrylic Crochet hook size 3.00 mm Scissors Sewing needle Crochet Barbie Dress pattern Front […]